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Blog Authors: John McVeigh, Fiona Balloch, David Cullen, Jan Robertson, Lisa Shields, Joe Wilson, Paolo Monachello, Tracey Howe

Here’s what they did

Here’s what they found

The author/s concluded

Our Journal Club’s views

Who are the authors of the paper and where do they work?

What do we know about the journal?

What about the methodology used?

Our conclusions are – that this evidence has a low risk of bias.

Implications for our practice

Next steps

View from

What do you think?


Keywords: Dementia, dementia café, qualitative, interviews, carers, experience

Our Blog Posts are written by staff at City of Glasgow College to inform and inspire our practice. We meet together at the Journal Club to consider the latest evidence to provide insights on hot topics related to learning and teaching, quality assurance and subject needs. It forms part of our activity for General Teaching Council Scotland registration and Professional Standards for lecturers in Scotland’s Colleges demonstrating that we are a self-critical staff community.
